The subjects that you study


Program Structure

The MD curriculum comprises of three phases that reflect the philosophy and vision of the college.

Phase I: Pre-Medical
This phase is the interface between secondary education and the Doctor of Medicine's 4-years Program. In this phase, the students will be prepared to study Medicine academically, mentally, and emotionally. Introduction to the concept of the health and health system and the role of the doctor as a professional will take place during this phase.

Phase II: Pre-Clerkship
In this phase, the students will study Organ System Modules (using Clinical Presentation Curriculum), Professional and Clinical Skills, Epidemiology and biostatistics, Health System Studies, and Research and Knowledge Synthesis Skills will be integrated and longitudinally through this phase. Students will sit for IFOM Basic Sciences at the end of this phase.

Phase III: Clerkship
In the clerkship phase, students will study family medicine and geriatrics, and Emergency Medicine in addition to medical and surgical clerkships, psychiatry and mental Health, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics and gynecology with more focus on woman's health. Professional Development, Evidence-Based, Patient-Centered Practice, Health System Studies, communicable and non-communicable diseases will be integrated longitudinally in this phase considering the social determinants of health in the country and emerging trends in Medical Education.

The duration of the program is 6 years, and the curriculum is organized in a clinical presentation-based sequence integrating biomedical sciences, clinical sciences, social/behavioral sciences and patient-care skills. The curriculum is designed to develop a culture of teamwork, scientific enquiry and lifelong learning in the students which are essential for the effective practice of Medicine.

Clinical presentations that constitute the thematic core of integration were based on the identified clinical presentations in the Emirates MEDs.

The curriculum is delivered in a number of different healthcare settings including ambulatory and inpatient care, primary health care, emergency, and community settings providing wide experience. Additional hands-on training is provided during the pre-clinical years in a state-of-art simulation set-up.

Assessments are of high standard and benchmarked internationally by the Medicine students taking the International Federation of Medicine (IFOM) Examination (Basic and Clinical Sciences) conducted by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), USA.

Graduates are awarded the Medicine degree on successful completion of the 6-year program and passing a comprehensive Exit Examination. The Medicine degree awarded by DMCG is recognized by the Ministry of Health, UAE and all graduates are eligible to take the licensing exam in the country to be evaluated for independent practice.

Phase Coordinators

MD Program Domains

The program contains a mix of courses from general, introductory, and advanced courses to conform
with the requirements of international norms and the national guidelines of UAE.
The 56 courses are categorized into five Domains. The Domains and the codes of the courses in those domains are listed below :