Facilities at DHA
Facilities provided by DHA to DMCG students
- DHA library Access
- Meeting with research analyst
- Observe procedures in rounds, OTs, A/E
- Observe basic investigations
- Allow to approach patient for history and examination
- View patients records on salama system under supervision
DHA Hospitals consists of:
Dubai Hospital

Dubai hospital has more than 26 medical and surgical specialties and several subspecialties that include highly advanced critical care units.
The hospital's24/7 Emergency Department hashighly specialised staff and advanced biomedical equipment. DH provides unique services such as nuclear medicine which is a one-of-its kind service at a regional level Some of the other specialised services are ophthalmology, oncology, nephrology, rheumatology and ENT services.
DH is working closely with all internal and external stakeholders to ensure continued enhancement of its services.
Rashid Hospital

Rashid Hospital is a tertiary specialised academic hospital, which includes a state-of-the-art Emergency and Trauma Centre.
It is a regional centre of excellence for emergency and trauma care. The 762-bed hospital includes highly specialised surgical, medical, intensive care units, as well as operating theaters and clinical support services.
Latifa Women and Children Hospital

The Hospital was established in 1987 as the first Specialised Hospital for Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Children in the country. In 2012, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, issued a directive to change the name of Al Wasl Hospital to Latifa Hospital for Women and Children in memory of his mother,Sheikha Latifa (May God have mercy on her).
In October 2021, paediatric medical, surgical and emergency services were transferred to Al Jalila Children’s Specialty Hospital, turning the hospital into a specialised centre for obstetrics and gynaecology with a capacity of 253 beds.
The hospital offers laparoscopic surgery for gynecological, urogynecology and tumors diseases and has been accredited as a centreof excellence with an international certificate. A presence of a sophisticated and large intensive care unit for new-borns and premature infants in Dubai and the Northern Emirates is an asset to the hospital.
Primary Health Centres
PHCSS consists of 13 health centers found throughout the Emirate of Dubai, offering a ratio of one health center or clinic for every 30,000 individuals.
- Al Badaa Health Center
- Al Mamzar Health Center
- Al Mankhool Health Center
- Al Towar Health Center
- Nad Al Hamar Health Center