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8th Aug 2018

A DMCG graduate - Dr. Islam El Nebrisi - got a PhD degree with excellence from UAE University.

We are proud to announce that in November, 25th 2018, a graduate of Dubai Medical College for Girls, Dr. Eslam Mohamed El Nebrisi has passed her PhD examination in Pharmacology and Therapeutics at CMHS – UAE University with excellence.

Eslam conducted a study on the neuroprotective actions of curcumin, where she could be able to characterize that the neuroprotective effect of curcumin is mediated through an alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mechanism.

Eslam was graduated from DMCG in 2004 and based on being one of the top 5 students in her batch she was offered a Teaching assistant position at DMCG Pharmacology dept. in 2007 and got her master degree in Pharmacology & Therapeutics from UAE university 2014 with excellence.

  Congratulation to Dr. Eslam from all DMCG staff.  
